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ഭക്ഷണം കഴിച്ചു കൊണ്ടിരുന്ന ഭർത്താവിനെ കസേര കൊണ്ട് തല്ലി ഭാര്യ കാരണം കെട്ടവർ ഞെട്ടിപ്പോയി



He came to the town with his wife and saw a big hotel, and his wife had a wish, bro, why don’t we go home and have a drink? Everything here is very expensive. Finally, he agreed to her and went to the hotel. She saw that everyone was eating biryani. There are all the things to eat,

so you just have to eat there, here you need 200 rupees for a biryani. 400 for a week will be fine if we eat two, our family got sad when she heard the words of her husband then she said but porotta and chicken curry is enough porotta or I will change your appetite then

let me reach home when I threatened her and said that when the waiter came near he said two tea and then a nut stick and then I didn’t mind when I ate it with my heart She cursed her husband and hated her parents who left her unable to stand up for herself.

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